
Letters from Santa

donation event for the Mercy NICUPS

By Cassie November 3, 2013
I know I know I am one that hates when holiday merchandise is out before the closest one has even occured. But I am breaking that rule of mine to help spread the word about a great program I have participated in for the last 5 years called NICUPS Letters to Santa Campaign. 

NICUPS (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Parent Support) was introduced to me 5 years ago when a friend of mine had her son at 26 weeks. This boy spent 4 months in the NICU and actually came home on his due date. I am proud to say this little boy is thriving and started kindgarten this fall. Since this friend I have had a couple oter friends that have had experience with Mercy's NICU. I do recall one saying that if it weren't for the NICUP group she didn't know what she would have done. 

NICUPS is a volunteer organization which gets it entire funding through donations as well as the Letters From Santa Campaign. Mercy NICUPS hels familys by
  • providing one-on-one emotional and educational support
  • provide, free-of-charge, books and other educational materials
  • have class and family meetings
  • finacial assistance to families during crisis situations
  • making available breast pumps, car seats, gas cards, and other necessities for those in need free-of-charge. 

If you are unfamiliar with what the Letters from Santa  program is let me explain. the NICUPS generate a letter from Santa for your child(ren) of your choice for a donation of $6 per letter. Each letter is different as you answer questions that will be "plugged in" to create a one of a kind personalized letter. 

So if you are interested in getting this very cute Letter from Santa as well as help a wonderful program here in the St. Louis area, head over to the Letters from Santa website.